Nadyne G. Johnson Foundation
This Foundation is created to honor the legacy of Nadyne G. Johnson, an ALS warrior, diagnosed in 1990 and lost her battle to the disease in 1995. Nadyne or Meme as she was affectionately known, touched many lives through the giving of herself be it at church, as a nurse, wife or mother. Her kindness, sweet spirit and smile brought happiness to many. When diagnosed, she took to the disease with courage, understanding and held on to her faith by the grace of God.
This Foundation has been established to bring awareness to health and wellness, the pursuit of cures for diseases and to seek preventative measures of diseases. We are in desperate need of finding cures for ALS, Lupus, MS, Respiratory and Asthmatic Diseases. While researched is ongoing and new medicines are being discovered, it is our desire to help patients offset the tremendous costs associated with these diseases. We need your help and support in raising funding and awareness. Will you please consider giving today?
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We're Here To
This foundation is dedicated to providing quality health awareness and education on ALS, asthma, COVID and recovery, and other health related issues and the pursuit to find cures and seek preventive measures
Healthcare minute
Being aware of your health is our concern
Having a keen awareness of our health, whether a cough, difficulty breathing, or any discomfort of any sort, we should seek medical attention.
We Care
“In this ever changing world of viruses and technology, the Foundation is well equipped to disseminate health related information received. At the Nadyne G. Johnson Foundation, we care. We care about you, your well being and we care about your family. Providing you with real time information can and will save your life.
© 2019